Available in lavender, baby blue, or pastel green embossed paisley $67
Primary Colors :)
Normally a post like this would fall under the customer orders section of my blog. However, this one is so cute that it has made the front page! This customer's nursery theme is 'Cat in the Hat' and I am in love with the primary color design of this lovey. It was so wonderful to work with a fresh design and a different color theme. I hope she loves it as much as I do! 

Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Free is Fantastic!
During the month of Arpil I will be running FOUR amazing giveaways! I know, I know, you can hardly contain yourself... Once you've got your excitement under control, scroll down a bit on the left side-bar. There you will find four cute little blog buttons that will link you directly to the participating giveaway websites. The giveaways will be posted during the month of April or shortly thereafter and I will announce them once they are up and running! Please feel free to browse these great blogs for other giveaways (keeping in mind of course that we're still the best one, hehe) and product information. Questions?? Post them here! ...or send me an e-mail using the 'Contact Me' link at the top of the page.
Good Luck to everyone!
Happy Winning!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Go Beavs! ...or Ducks or Lakers or...
Customize your own sports team Lovey for your little one! Any colors, any team! Personalization included so it's sure to never get lost at the big game. $24
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Pink and Brown Bliss
Still to come...Blue/Brown and Green/Brown :)
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Help US Become #1!
Did you notice the new buttons? Great! I've added two new buttons to the blog. You now have the all-powerful ability to vote for us on these sites! Potentially we could be amongst the TOP baby-blog or posh-baby-shop! Thank-you so much for you support!!! ...I believe you can vote daily, but I'll check into that :)
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
(Above) These are borther/sister lovey's that are a surprise gift for an out of town friend. Her little miracle came home from the hospital last week after a stay in the NICU.
(Above) This is the lovey that the winner of the Layla Grace benefit auction won. It turned out beautiful!
(Above) A slightly different embroidery design. This Mom requested fancy monogram initials. Baby Liza's initials are LBR.We featured the last initial 'R' in the center.
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Blankie Blogger Benefits!
It pays to be a Blankie Blogger! If you're a blog follower then send me an Etsy convo and mention this post for free US Shipping or $5 off international shipping! Get it while you can! This offer ends March 20th 2010. Thanks for being a blogger!
Also, don't forget your chance to win a Kady Paige Blankie! Visit this blog for current give-away information.
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Ok Parents! Check out this AMAZING Giveaway opportunity. You can enter to win your very own Jeep Liberty Stroller! Made by Kolcraft, it has recieved amazing reviews and praise. Here's a few reasons why!
Rugged 12" inflatable tires grip all types of terrain
Easy swivel front wheel locks for uneven surfaces
I drive entertainment toy includes horn, car sounds and music.
Parent tray includes deep cup holders
Convenient one-hand & self-standing fold
Multi-position reclining seat
Grow-with-Me five-point safety harness
Large storage basket plus removable cargo bags
Visit: http://tictacdough.blogspot.com/ To Enter!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Giveaway Winners Have Been Announced!
Visit the FaceBook Fan Page to see if you're the winner of this week's giveaway!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Exclusive Blogger Sneak Peak!
I am in love with these silky, soft amazing little bunnies! They are just in time for Easter! They will be part of a limited edition seasonal line that will include: Pink rose swirl, blue rose swirl, purple lavender paisley minky, yellow polka minky, and a custom order option. I am hard at work getting them ready to launch Monday on my Etsy site.
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
KP Blankies Giveaway!
I know you've all been waiting!
This week the drawing is for a $10 Gift Certificate, Free Embroidery Add-on, AND Free Shipping!! But wait there's more ;) I will be drawing two winners! I don't think it gets much better then that. Here's how to enter...
You will receive one entry for each of the following:
1) Post this blog link to your Facebook page/Twitter
2) Become a Fan of Kady Paige Blankies Facebook Page
3) Blog about Kady Paige Blankies
4) Post a shop link to your Facebook Page/Twitter/Social Network
5) Today Only: Receive one entry for every auction bid placed for the Layla Grace Benefit Auction on this blog: http://projectmommyhood.blogspot.com/. You are not required to be the winner of the auction item to receive the entry. Thank-you for your support!
Ok... now you know how to win. Once you've loaded up your cyber-life with links then post a comment here to let me know what you've done. Yes, I'm making you work for it :) We're also on the honor system here. I'm not so great at computer hacking so I won't be able to verify you've actually posted on your facebook unless I stalk you. SO please be honest. It's only fair. Winner drawn Monday March 8th -sometime in the evening when I get around to it ;)
On Your Mark...Get Set...Go!
Good Luck Everyone!
This week the drawing is for a $10 Gift Certificate, Free Embroidery Add-on, AND Free Shipping!! But wait there's more ;) I will be drawing two winners! I don't think it gets much better then that. Here's how to enter...
You will receive one entry for each of the following:
1) Post this blog link to your Facebook page/Twitter
2) Become a Fan of Kady Paige Blankies Facebook Page
3) Blog about Kady Paige Blankies
4) Post a shop link to your Facebook Page/Twitter/Social Network
5) Today Only: Receive one entry for every auction bid placed for the Layla Grace Benefit Auction on this blog: http://projectmommyhood.blogspot.com/. You are not required to be the winner of the auction item to receive the entry. Thank-you for your support!
Ok... now you know how to win. Once you've loaded up your cyber-life with links then post a comment here to let me know what you've done. Yes, I'm making you work for it :) We're also on the honor system here. I'm not so great at computer hacking so I won't be able to verify you've actually posted on your facebook unless I stalk you. SO please be honest. It's only fair. Winner drawn Monday March 8th -sometime in the evening when I get around to it ;)
On Your Mark...Get Set...Go!
Good Luck Everyone!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Layla Grace Benefit Auction
Please take a few minutes out of your busy day to help little Layla Grace. She is almost 2 years old and losing her fight against cancer. She has just days left to live. The proceeds from this auction will be donated to Layla and her family to cover medical expenses and any other Layla related expenses. If you've been waiting to buy a blankie this is your chance to support a heartbreaking cause. Simply visit http://projectmommyhood.blogspot.com/ to view the auction rules and items up for bid. There are two pages of items so be sure to click 'older posts' at the ottom of the page to view them all. The auction will run March 5th-6th. Thank-you for your help!! If you'd like to learn more about Layla and her story visit her blog http://laylagrace.org/ you may also donate to her family from this site. Thanks Again!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Fabric at My Fingertips
I've given myself the power of creative freedom! I'm so, so excited to have fabric on hand!! This means much less driving to the fabric store in the pouring rain with my 4 kids. I will miss my joann fabric and craft warehouse buddies, but hopefully they will understand. I'm adding two more bolts to my little 'collection' tomorrow :) It's so amazing to walk into my studio and think..."hmmm...What am I going to make today?"... I love it!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Saturday Giveaway!
Saturday Giveaway! Enter to win a $20 Gift Certificate to www.kadensmommy33.etsy.com HOW? LEave a comment on thie post, become a blog follower, leave a blog comment, or 'share' this post (Just tell me if you do). It's that simple!! Good Luck! Winner will be drawn 2/21 at 8pm. READY, SET, GO! :)
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
It's Official!
It's Official! Kady Paige Blankies has become Kady Paige Blankies LLC!! We're growing up so fast :) Thanks everyone for your support as my little dream becomes a reality.
I'd also like to announce that I have submitted an application to participate in the 2010 Salem Art Fair in Oregon. This is a huge opportunity for us as the Salem Art Fair is ranked amongst the top 50 Art Fairs in the nation. They estimate that 100,000 visitors attend each year. This would be an amazing opportunity! They will select 205 participants and announce their final decision in early March. I'll keep everyone posted! Wish us luck!!!
I'd also like to announce that I have submitted an application to participate in the 2010 Salem Art Fair in Oregon. This is a huge opportunity for us as the Salem Art Fair is ranked amongst the top 50 Art Fairs in the nation. They estimate that 100,000 visitors attend each year. This would be an amazing opportunity! They will select 205 participants and announce their final decision in early March. I'll keep everyone posted! Wish us luck!!!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
KP Blankies Giveaway! Enter to win this diaper bag accessory set! If not for yourself then for a friend or family member. HOW To ENTER: Leave a Comment on one of the following~ This post, KP BLankies Fan Page OR Become a blog follower OR Receive one entry for every $5 spent in the Etsy shop. WINNER will be announced tomorrow evening. Good Luck!
FB FAN PAGE LINK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kady-Paige-Blankies/272110703825?ref=ts
SHOP LINK: http://kadensmommy33.etsy.com/
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Shop Feature Showcase: Bowhemian

Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
I can't even put into words how excited I am about these ADORABLE wipe cases. I'm in the process of fnalizing the designs that will be part of the official line. Cute, durable, reusable, it just doesn't get much better then that! I'm also working on a matching changing pad...details to come soon! I'm expecting thes to be a hot item! Watch the shop later this week for the first posting!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
A Must Read...
New Release! February 1st!
Stay tuned! In April I will be featuring a review of Sarah Cunningham's new book, Picking Dandelions. Visit her website or to pre-order her book visit: http://amzn.com/0310292476.
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Haiti Earthquake Relief
Starting this week $3 will be donated to the Red Cross for every blankie sold to contribute to the relief efforts in Haiti. As we all know, Haiti is in desperate need of funds to rebulid their country. You can also visit the Red Cross website to make your donation at http://www.redcross.org/. Thank-you for supporting relief efforts in Haiti!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
New Shop Item!
As cute as it might be, this blankie and I had our moments. Apparently I have done something to anger the Sewing Gods and it took more patience then usual to get this one perfect. Lets just say my seam ripper is my friend! It was worth all the hard work to see it posted in my shop and looking great. I'm exctied to introduce a new design for boys. It was a much needed addition to my mostly girlie shop! If you have a chance, stop by the shop and give it a heart. Look for more new designs in the coming week!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Baby Sunday - Little Snapshots Photography
More Amazing Photography by Little Snapshots Photography.
She can be found at http://littlesnapshotsphotography.blogspot.com/
Special thanks to Kristen and baby Sunday!!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
And the Winner is....
Thank-you to everyone who participated in my recent poll! The results were clear. Pacifier Clips are in high demand! To be honest, even before the conclusion of the poll I had pacifier clip supplies on order :) The first two sets have been posted to my shop and there are lots more to follow! There will also be additional designs later in the week. Here is a little preview of what will be added to the shop tomorrow. For most designs I will post a single clip and also a set of two. You can never have too many of these!

Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Secret Sale! For Blog Followers Only!
All shop items 10% off in addition to Valentine's Day Sale prices! You must be a blog follower to qualify for this discount and be sure to convo me for the discount before submitting payment. Also, include your zip for custom shipping adjustment! Just saying thanks to those who are supporting KP Blankies!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Featured Etsy Sellers!
During the month of February I will be featuring three Etsy sellers. Keep your eye out for the announcement of the three shops that will be participating! Etsy is such a great community and it is so wonderful to support one another!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
10 Ways to Tame Your Kid's Tantrums
Here is a great article for those with toddlers at home. This can come in handy for those textbook tantrums.
10 Ways to Tame Your Kid's Tantrums
10 Ways to Tame Your Kid's Tantrums
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Rave and Review!

In the coming months Kady Paige Blankies will be hosting a giveaway on this website. She writes amazing reviews! I'll keep everyone posted as to when the giveaway will run. In the meantime, check it out!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Labor of Love Baby Shower

Check out this great Blog that will be hosting an online baby shower in February. Kady Paige Blankies will be one of the many sellers participating in give-aways and specials. TicTacDough is an Etsy seller that makes handmade playdough. Check back for this great online event!!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Kids in the Kitchen
Simple solutions to letting your kids help-out while staying mess free.
Today: Cinnamon Toast
My kids love to help make cinnamon toast, but it always ends up messy or loaded with way too much sugar. Although this isn't the healthiest snack, we managed to make it fun. We filled up a babyfood jar with the cinnamon and sugar (You can also use mason jars or spaghetti jars). Once filled, the kids mixed the ingredients by shaking the jars twenty times (Counting pracitce!). Then, MOM used a knife to poke holes in the lids turning them into shakers! One for each child, of course. Now it's no argument over who gets to help and they have control over how much sugar get sprinkled on their toast. It's the little things!
Today: Cinnamon Toast
My kids love to help make cinnamon toast, but it always ends up messy or loaded with way too much sugar. Although this isn't the healthiest snack, we managed to make it fun. We filled up a babyfood jar with the cinnamon and sugar (You can also use mason jars or spaghetti jars). Once filled, the kids mixed the ingredients by shaking the jars twenty times (Counting pracitce!). Then, MOM used a knife to poke holes in the lids turning them into shakers! One for each child, of course. Now it's no argument over who gets to help and they have control over how much sugar get sprinkled on their toast. It's the little things!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Kids in the Kitchen
Baby Phoenix

Pictures, as promised, of baby Phoenix. Adorable! Thanks again to Kristen of Little Snapshots Photography!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Valentine's Day Specials
V A L E N T I N E 'S D A Y S A L E!
All blankies are $5-$8 off until Jan. 31st! Prices are changed, no need to convo!
All blankies are $5-$8 off until Jan. 31st! Prices are changed, no need to convo!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Avery Blankie Complete!

This was a custom order that required me to go in desperate search of rose swirl. SIX fabric stores later (5 of them with my 4 kids) I finally had the rose swirl in hand. I am so glad that I had a request for this fabric because it is so amazing! I have starting using it regularly in my line now. I am very pleased with how this blankie turned out. As you can see It is finished a little differently then my norm. I was unable to find a 'chocolate' brown binding to coordinate with the chocolate satin I used. So instaed of actually binding the blankie I stitched a wave border to hold the place of the binding. I am so glad I did, because it is adorable! It is also very hard to bind thicker fabrics such as this one so I was worried about quality control if I were to have uesed the pre-packaged satin binding. Now it's off in the mail! I hope she likes it!

Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
70 Fans!!
We've hit 70 Shop Hearts! Just over a month in business and so grateful to have so many customers bookmark my shop. Thanks to everyone who is cheering me on as this booming business gets off the ground. I couldn't have gotten this far without some awesome support :) In addition to the 70 shop hearts, we have 20 individual item hearts- Customers who bookmark an item instead of the whole shop. This creates great potential for them to pop one of my balnkies from their favorites into their shopping cart! Lets hope so anyways! Thanks again everyone!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Eleven Lovey's in the Works!
Eleven Lovey's in the works! A new line to include lavender rose swirl, light pink rose swirl, Paisley, Retro Dot, and more favorites! With the exception of a few, they are paired with the same flannel back satin used with KP Blankies. I'm predicting my favorite will be a rose swirl and green dimple dot. My first double minky item ever! Combining these two textures will create an irresistable combination of total silky-softness. If custom ordered then you can add custom embroidery for only $6. Pictures and listings coming soon!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
The First Ever Kady Paige Blankies Baby Model!
Coming soon will be my first item with a baby model! He a one month old little boy and will be photographed by Kristen of Little Snapshots Photography in McMinnville, OR. My Blue Retro Dot blankie will be featured in these photos. My hope is that using adorable little baby models will draw attention to my products and promote the photographer as well. Check back for photo previews!
To checkout Little Snapshots Photograpy, visit http://littlesnapshotsphotography.blogspot.com/
Kristen has also recently done our family photos and does a wonderful job!
To checkout Little Snapshots Photograpy, visit http://littlesnapshotsphotography.blogspot.com/
Kristen has also recently done our family photos and does a wonderful job!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
New Farbic at my door!
Just in! New fabric from the mailman! Beautiful lavender rose swirl minky, more popular giraffe, and new lavender paisley imprint minky(Maybe my new fav!) Can't wait to start with the new designs and get them posted. They will be a wonderful new addition to the shop.
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Adorable Valentines Day Gifts!

Have a school-aged little one? These embroidered, personalized backpack clips are perfect for a small, affordable gift that they will love. Made from the same melt-in-you-hands minky fabric and flannel back satin as my blankies. They can be used as a keychain- for those who loose track of their house key - or for easily identifying their backpack at school. My 9 year old twin sisters were the first to get one and I'm already taking orders from their friends. They all want one! You can even have a heart or two added to make it an official valentine's day gift. Some other great ideas for these cute clips are...sports team/cheer squad gifts, present toppers, or even for your gym bag. One initial may be added to each 'mini-lovey'. Check them out! Order by Feb. 2nd for arrival by V-day. Thanks!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Rose Swirl Minky in Lavender!
If you are framiliar with minky fabrics then you know that rose swirl is an amazingly soft version of minky. If you haven't had the chance to feel rose swirl minky then I suggest you track some down(or order a blankie, hehe) and see for yourself. Originally, I was using mostly smooth minky and loving it. Since I have been receiving so many requests for it I am planning on adding it to my regular line. My first order of lavender should arrive any day! I also have light pink rose swirl available after visiting SIX fabric stores to find it. I will stick to these two colors for now and see how they do on the market. Teh only thing better then this fabric is combining it with flannel back satin and silky satin binding. Oh, and a cute embroidered name :)
On that note... After the popularity of the black & white giraffe print blankie, you will be seeing more of that print in the shop as well. I love this fabric because I can combine it with almost any color to make the blankie gender specific or non-gender speific- for those who like surprises!
Also thinking about adding a line of solo lovey's with this print. I think they'd be popular!
On that note... After the popularity of the black & white giraffe print blankie, you will be seeing more of that print in the shop as well. I love this fabric because I can combine it with almost any color to make the blankie gender specific or non-gender speific- for those who like surprises!
Also thinking about adding a line of solo lovey's with this print. I think they'd be popular!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Don't forget to feed the Blankie Fishies!
They get hungry swimming around on that beautiful blankie. lol. Click the 'tank' to drop food in their water and watch them enjoy!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
Welcome to Kady Paige Blankies Blog!
The place to keep posted on the latest with Kady Paige Blankies. Kady Paige Blankies offers handmade custom silky soft baby blankies which are currently sold on Etsy.com. The online business is off to a rolling start so be one of the first to check it out! Recently I have added a custom embroidery optoion to any blankie in my shop. Choose from six fonts and any color you can think of. Add a gift box, gift card, or present topper to any order at no additional shipping cost. Follow this blog for new designs, special offers, and the making of these beautiful blankies. Enjoy!
Posted by
Jennifer E. Rodriguez
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